Obtaining loans is a great way to fulfil needs that are outside the scope of your regular income. A unanticipated loan, though, may cause you to become debt-trapped. Therefore, it is crucial to move quickly to reduce your loan burden in order to preserve a stable financial life.

Let me provide an illustration to show you what I mean. Mr. “A” accepted a bank’s offer of a pre-approved auto loan up to Rs. 10 lakh and received an illogical loan as a result. There was no need to sell his current car because it was in great condition. Despite this, he decided to accept the bank’s offer and sell his old car in order to buy a new one. Mr. A was unaware of the potential impact a new loan could have on his other financial objectives, such as his retirement funds. Even though the bank’s loan offer could seem alluring, you should only take it if you need money to accomplish a vital goal.

In this section, we go over several crucial suggestions that will help you lessen your loan burden.

1) You should be able to afford your EMI

You should calculate the highest EMI you can safely pay back before applying for a loan and then change the loan’s term to reflect that figure. Avoid taking on more debt than you can comfortably pay off because doing so increases your risk of defaulting. The best way to estimate your borrowing capacity is to consider the amount of money that is left over after paying all of your regular expenses, including savings, investments, and taxes. It is important to understand that missing an EMI payment can hurt your credit score and could prevent you from receiving future loans. So, before requesting a loan, thoroughly assess your ability to make EMI instalments.

2) The idea of tenure need to be flexible

You should be flexible when choosing the length of your personal loan. Your ability to repay the loan increases along with your income, so you may easily do so and save a large amount of interest. If you are having trouble making your EMI payments, talk to your lender about extending the term to make the payments less expensive.

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3) Properly insure huge debts

When you take out a big loan, you can protect yourself from a range of risks that, if uninsured, could negatively affect your capacity to pay back the loan. For instance, a disability insurance policy can help a person who has just been incapacitated get the insurance money needed to pay both his regular expenses and EMIs. A life term policy can also help the borrower’s dependents pay back the loan EMI if the borrower passes away while the policy is in effect. Maintaining enough insurance makes sense in order to reduce debt stress brought on by future uncertainties.

4) The loan’s capacity to be refinanced

Throughout a loan, the interest rate may fluctuate. Do not be scared to transfer lenders to reduce your EMI load if your lender raises the interest rate above the market rate. If this happens with your student loan, consider comparing various student loan refinance companies to see the benefits and drawbacks of shifting the debt. To maximize interest savings, it is often preferable to exchange loans during the loan’s first stage. Transferring during the final leg of the loan could result in minimal savings and a loss of any tax advantages. While switching loans, keep in mind the prepayment penalty as well.

5) Consolidate your debts

It can be difficult to manage different loans. You might choose to combine all of your loans in this situation. You might have a car loan, a credit card loan, a personal loan, a gold loan, or another type of debt. All loans may have different interest rates and EMI due dates. Your credit score can suffer as a result of a missed EMI. Therefore, you have two options: either ask your bank to combine all of your loans into one, or seek a loan against security to pay off all of your little, high-interest loans, bringing down the total number of your debts to one or two. When consolidating loans, always take into account the effects of any bank-imposed prepayment penalties.

You can reduce your debt load and rid yourself of a heavy financial burden. Check the interest rate on the final loan before pursuing debt consolidation.


Isabella Noor is Director of Marketing at FastFoxNews. With 8+ years experience in public relations and marketing, she loves talking about content creation, SEO & Digital Marketing.

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