Quant is a decentralized cryptocurrency that was created to be used in the Quant Network. The QNT coin is an ERC20 token that can be stored in any Ethereum wallet. Quant has been listed on exchanges such as OKEx, HitBTC, and KuCoin where it has been trading for almost a year now.

What is Quant?

If you’re unfamiliar with Quant, here’s the gist: a decentralized platform for data science and machine learning. The Quant platform aims to be the de facto standard for data science, where users can create unique datasets that are then made available as APIs on their own blockchain. Users will be able to monetize their data through these APIs by selling them or licensing them out to other entities who wish to use them.

Quant has its own token called QNT (quant) which can also use a a trading pair with Tether or QNT USDT. The QNT token allows you access into the Quant ecosystem where users can buy and sell datasets, train machine learning models using other people’s datasets, or even rent computational power from others who have spare computing power available at their disposal.

Quant is a hybrid decentralized exchange that combines the benefits of centralized and decentralized exchanges. The Quant Protocol aims to improve liquidity in crypto markets by providing a decentralized exchange that can handle high volume trading without compromising security or control.

Quant (QNT) Crypto Price History

The QNT token launched on October 31st, 2017 with a price of $0.25 USD per coin. It reached an all-time high of $15.26 USD per coin in January 2018 before slowly falling back down to its current value of around $1 USD per coin. There are currently 101,400,000 QNT tokens in circulation, with a total supply of 150 million coins available for mining (or approximately 6% of the total supply).

Quant is a cryptocurrency that allows people to trade securities on the blockchain. This means that it has the security and transparency of bitcoin, along with a set of new features and services. Quant is an Ethereum-based token that has a market capitalization of $86 million, and it’s traded on multiple different cryptocurrency exchange. The price of QNT started at $0.35 in August 2017, peaking at $0.83 in January 2018—a gain of over 160%.

Quant Price Prediction Round-up

Quant is an open-source, decentralized cryptocurrency that has been around since mid-2015. Quant was created with the goal of being the most stable cryptocoin possible. To achieve this, Quant uses a system of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to manage its monetary policy and supply.

The smart contracts set the initial Quant price (1 QNT = 0.00001 ETH) and determine how much Quant is issued every year (3 QNT per block). The result is a coin designed to be as stable as possible and minimize volatility. The first step toward stability was to set a price floor for Quant at 1 QNT = $0.10 USD. If the value drops below this point,

Quant automatically buys back QNT from people who have them and burns them (destroying them forever). This prevents Quant from ever being worth less than $0.10 USD per coin and gives it a floor under its value so it can only grow over time, not down.

How to buy a QNT Coin?

With the increasing demand for cryptocurrencies, you can buy QNT coins from exchanges like EtherDelta, Mercatox, IDEX, and KuCoin. There will be a total of 1 billion coins created and 50% of them will be distributed through their ICO next year.

To buy QNT coins, you need to send cryptocurrency like Ethereum to your account on one of the exchanges. Then you can trade it for QNT coins. Before you go ahead with any transaction, make sure that you have a wallet that supports your cryptocurrency so that you can store them safely until you want to use them for trading or other purposes. .

Is Quant a Good Investment?

If you’re interested in buying Quant cryptocurrency, it’s a good idea to invest in QNT. The currency has been around for years and has solid brand recognition—many people know what the word “quant” means.

Quant is a great investment because its price will go up in the future and you’ll make lots of money. You should buy it now so that the price goes up even more when you sell. It’s important to do your research first before buying any cryptocurrency, but Quant has a lot of good things going for it, like being one of the earliest blockchains—which means that it’s had time to develop into a stable and secure system.

The team behind Quant is also really impressive. They’re all experts in their fields and have proven track records working on other successful projects that are currently still around today. The biggest reason why Quant is a good investment is because it’s been built from the ground up to solve many of the problems that plague other cryptocurrencies.


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