
A bong is basically a long tube with a mouthpiece on the top and a bowl on the bottom. The mouthpiece is where you inhale the smoke, and the bowl is where you put your product. You will also put water in the bong in the chamber, and this will give you a bigger rip. Bongs can be as expensive as you want them to be.

You can buy bongs in a variety of places, both in person and online. If you want to buy online, you can Buy here to get some of the best available. They have a wide selection for you to choose from.

This article will share some of the best bongs for you to choose from with the inexpensive all the way to the most expensive. You can do more research and find just the right one for you. You can have a lot to choose from to find the one that is perfect for you.

Top Bongs for Sale

Honest Capsule Water Pipe

This bong is dishwasher safe, shatter resistant, and has a modular construction that folds into itself. This makes it a great choice on its own, but it also has many other features. The fact that it is easy to clean makes this one better than some others. Other features include a magnet on the side to hold your lighter when you are not using it. It sells for around $175 making it a great deal for you.

The downside of this bong is that the stem is too close to the bowl making it difficult to light without burning yourself. It is also quite heavy for its size making it slightly difficult to use. These are the only two downsides, though, so it should make you very happy.

Bento Bong

This bong is also dishwasher safe, and it is easy to take apart. It is really inexpensive at only $45, one of the lowest prices on the list. This bong is made from BPA-free plastic and is very durable, as durable as the silicone bongs: It will last you a long time and is compact and packable. It also comes complete with a percolator. It only takes a few minutes to disassemble the bong for your convenience.

Puffco Budsy

This bong is made to look like a water bottle so that you can be discreet with it. There is a storage area at the bottom of the bong that holds the bong that can be placed on the bottle to hold whatever it is you want smoke. To use, you place the bowl in its spot, fill with water, and add your choice of smoke. It is small and is fairly inexpensive at only $50. You can buy more weed for what you save on the bong.

Heir Waterpipe

This bong is made of high-quality materials and is dishwasher safe for ease of cleaning. It comes in two sizes – 11 inches or 13 inches. It has been called the Rolls Royce of bongs because of the details put into it. It is ceramic, stainless steel, and soda-lime glass and is made to last. It even comes with an 8 slotted percolator to enhance your experience. It has seven holes in it to prevent clogging and has a mouthpiece that is ergonomic. It comes apart so that you can add ice or water to it easily. The one downside of this bong is the price, which is a staggering $260.

Summerland Chongo

This bong is just a beauty to look at and is very durable, which it should be for $225. It is made from ceramic materials and a full-size bong. Its bowl has lots of room and has a tight seal. It is made from food grade glaze and is lead free for your safety. It is a handmade and has some imperfections in the glaze, but it is still beautiful.

Sessions Good Bong

This bong has a modern design that can fit nicely in your home. The company that makes it makes donations each month to organizations that support marginalized groups. It has two different bowls so that you can choose the size of your hits. It has 4mm borosilicate glass and has a silicone cover for the base that hides the ugly bong water. The silicone base also protects the glass and shows you the water fill line. It runs for about $125 and is a bargain at that price.

Jet Filtration Systems SubZero Water Pipe

This pipe has a lifetime warranty in case anything happens to it. You can also customize it for the perfect hit. It has a design that is impact resistant and has an ash filter. You can also order custom percolators to go along with it in a variety of colors. Since it is completely customizable, it is fairly expensive at nearly $200.


This bong is absolutely beautiful and would be a great design addition to your home. It is the highest price of all the bongs at $600, but it does everything. It even has contactless rips so that you do not even need to touch it. Although it is so expensive, it can also cook food and drink and can be turned into a hookah. This is probably the best bong you can buy for the money.

Eyce Beaker

This bong is made from silicone making it indestructible and has built in compartments for all your accessories. It has hidden items such as a stash jar, tray for rolling, and a lighter holder. It also has a poker made from stainless steel. The glass bowl is made from borosilicate and the downstem is also made from a diffused borosilicate. This is what makes it nearly completely indestructible. It sells for around $40, making it one of the least expensive on the list.


These bongs are made to match anyone’s style and price range. They come from very basic looking to almost futuristic looking. There are some that are indestructible, some that are dishwasher safe, and some that are made to look more like decorations.


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